Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Got the trailer....

....and it sure is a wimpy little thang.

I hope my truck isn't too embarassed. We kinda look like an elephant pulling a dog cart.

What? ...?....anthropomorphisize?

Well....yeah. I do. Machinery has feeling's too. At least my stuff does. (be nice to your never know when it might drop an important call just cause it's aggravated at you...and I shudder to think what computers could do.)

I'm at a restarea on I-20 and whataya has Wi-Fi. Kinda slow but's here and it's free.

Oh well....I'm hauling buns to Georgia...empty....gonna dump it in the yard realsoonnow. Maybe my truck won't disown me....or (shudder) do anything get revenge you know.


1 comment:

Wayne said...

Mick, email me.