A LOT.....several hours a day. Every day.
I usually have one or two books going plus I spend hours and hours on the internet.
Well for one thing I'm inherently curious. For another thing TV is so execrable that I'd rather watch sewage bubble in a holding tank than be in the same room as a TV.
Case in point. The Somali Pirates.
For a more accurate take on what happen than youre likely to get by watching the so called news media you might check out one of my most favorite authors.
A former Army Ranger name of John Ringo.
And that's just one tiny, tiny example of why I read rather than watch TV.
I enjoy both, but I don't have the TV on all the time (selecting shows in advance, per Michael Medved (IIRC)). And right now I'm reading "Vorpal Blade" (I enjoy Ringo's stuff EXCEPT for the seamier parts of the "Paladin of Shadows" series - which is why I read only the first book).
"Paladin of the Shadows" aka the Ghost series.
I hear you about the seaminess. Some consider that a plus...some don't.
Best I can recall there's lots and lots less of the seamy in the continuation novels in the series.
Considering the subject matter a great deal of seaminess is required for versimilitude. After all it's about ragheads, terrorists, white slavery, prostitution....you know....everyday stuff almost everywhere except for the United States.
I've read em all and if you quit with the first book you're doing yourself a disservice. It gets LOTS better.
After all, even the Bible has some "seamy" parts. (song of solomon for example)
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