Friday, April 06, 2007


Riiiiiiinggg......riiiiing ...ring.


"This is Jodie with.... {mumble}.... where are you "?

Thinking....hmm...funnie sounding Jodie...sounds like a boy. I knew a Jodie once..back when I was in Thailand...during the Viet Nam misunderstanding.....called herself JhoDeee....was NO sireee!!!...why I remember the time she and about half the ammo dump....(cough cough)

Jodie "where are you".

Thinking. ...yeah...just where the hell am i? What am I doing anyway.

Jodie..."did you hear me...I need to know"..

Getting irritated at this Jodie person.....I'm trying to think. She woke me up from a sound sleep ....was having a pretty good dream....let's see..

Shit ...I don't know...

"I'm lost Jodie."...I say..." come heeelllllllp me....I neeed you"...


smart aleck.

Makes some coffee....lites up a ceegar.....looks at the GPS...

Just where the hell AM i anyway?


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